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Being a By-Law to fix the Polling Places and appoint Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the holding of Municipal Elections in the Year 1961 for the Municipality of the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to Levy the Taxes for the Year 1961 and to provide for the collection thereof.



Being a By-Law to appoint a Board for the year 1961 to administer the Community Centre.



Being a By-Law to authorize the Agreement between the City and Philip McCarthy affecting a Bus System currently being operated under earlier Agreements dated October 15, 1959 and November 14, 1961.



Being a By-Law to appoint Collegiate Institute Trustees for the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to appoint a North Bay Hospital Commission.



Being a By-Law to appoint Municipal Officials of the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 1882, a By-Law to provide for the appointment of a Committee of Adjustment.



Being a By-Law to amend By-Law 1830, a By-Law to establish a Community Centre at North Bay, Ontario.



Being a By-Law to Appoint an Inspector pursuant to the Building Trades Protection Act, being Chapter 42, R.S.O. 1960.



Being a By-Law to provide that the term of Office of all Members of the Council shall be one year, and that By-Law No. 1867 be repealed.



Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the City of North Bay for granting aid to North Bay Branch of the Canadian Legion No. 23 for the operation of its building.



Being a By-Law to Regulate the Closing on Wednesday Afternoon, of all shops belonging to a certain class and Repealing all By-Laws or Parts of By-Laws inconsistent with this By-Law.



Being a By-Law to provide for the submission of a certain question for the asset of the electors qualified to vote on Money By-Laws, and to appoint a day on which to take a vote thereon, and to name the places where votes are to be taken and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers to take the vote at each such place. (Extension to the Civic Hospital)



Being a By-Law to Authorize Expenditures for the Resurfacing of Main Street from Bell Street to Algonquin Avenue and the construction of a reinforced concrete retaining wall on Fisher Street from a point opposite Fifth Avenue a distance of 158' easterly towards Princess Street.



Being a By-Law to amend By-Law 1889, a By-Law to provide for the maintenance, protection, enjoyment and user control of parks, playgrounds, flowered areas and municipal buildings.



Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 1854, Being a By-Law to Prohibit the Dumping of Snow from Private Property onto City Streets.



Being a By-Law to amend By-Law 1836, a By-Law to authorize the Tax Collector to receive advance payments of taxes and allow a discount thereon.



Being a By-Law to correct and clarify the Official Plan of the City of North Bay as amended by By-Law 1851.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a By-Law to Authorize Construction of Asphalt Road Surfaces where specified, on certain Streets in the City of North Bay.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a By-Law to Authorize an Agreement between the City and Philip McCarthy affecting a Bus System currently being operated under an earlier Agreement dated October 15, 1959.



Being a By-Law to Regulate the Closing Hours of all Places of Business, within the limits of the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law Regulating the Closing on Wednesday Afternoons of all shops belonging to Certain Classes and Repealing all By-Laws or parts of By-Law inconsistent with this By-Law.



Being a By-Law to Issue Debentures to pay for the Construction of Storm Sewers in the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to name an Acting Head of the Municipality (Alderman W. Richardson).



Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 1837, a By-Law amending By-Law No. 1505, being a By-Law to provide for the appointment of a Committee of Adjustment.



Being a By-Law to Authorize Participation by the City of North Bay in an Agreement providing for the operation of a Sanitary Landfill Project in co-operation with the Township of Widdifield.



Being a By-Law to appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health in the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to amend By-Law 953 of the Corporation of the Township of Widdifield.



Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the City of North Bay Requiring the Closing of Barber Shops during Certain Hours and for Regulating the Operation of Barber Shops.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a By-Law to establish a Health Unit.



Being a By-Law to Authorize the Establishment of a Department of Industries in conjunction with the municipalities of the Township of Widdifield and the Township of West Ferris.



Being a By-Law to establish, maintain and operate a fluoridation system in connection with the City's water system.



Being a By-Law to Declare Section 1 of the Lord's Day (Ontario) Act, 1950, to be in force in the City of North Bay .



Being a By-Law to provide for the Borrowing of $72,000.00 upon Debentures to Purchase certain necessary Electrical Equipment for the Hydro Electric Commission of the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to Provide for the Issuing of Debentures to pay for the Construction of Additions to the Pinewood Public School and the Dr. MacDougall Public School by the North Bay Public School Board.



Being a By-Law for the issue of Debentures to pay for the construction of the Sanitary Sewers, Concrete Sidewalks, Asphalt Road Surfaces and the Opening and Gravelling of Certain Streets, in the City of North Bay.



Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 1st day of April, 1991 between the Corporation of the City of North Bay and Her Majesty the Queen, in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Community and Social Services, relating to a staff training project.



Being a by-law of the City of North Bay to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement, North Bay Water Works - Project no. 6-0058-6000



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a By-Law authorizing the completion of a Public Utility undertaking namely water and sewage works and service road to Keiller MacKay Park.



Being a By-Law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Widdifield for the installation and use of trunk sewer in the City of North Bay to serve the Trout Lake area.



Being a By-Law for closing part of Lawson Street, in the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to Establish Community Centre and Board for the Management thereof, with the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to Authorize Construction of Asphalt Road Surfaces and Curbs and Gutters where specified, on certain Streets in the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to appoint a Board to Administer the Community Centre, known as the Community Memorial Building.



Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 1896, a By-Law to Regulate Traffic within the limits of the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to authorize the construction of an addition to the Chippewa Secondary School by the North Bay Collegiate Institute and Vocational School Board.



Being a By-Law to Authorize the construction and equipping of an addition and the effecting of necessary alterations to the Dr. Carruthers Public School (McPhail Street).



Being a By-Law to Establish, Regulate and Govern Municipal Parking Lots for Vehicles in the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to Authorize the construction and equipping of an addition to the North Bay Civic Hospital.



Being a By-Law to Establish and Maintain an Emergency Measures Organization in and for the Municipality of the City of North Bay and to include those adjacent municipalities desirous of becoming participating members of the organization.



Being a By-Law to Regulate the Establishment of ramps and driveways leading to and from Highways in the City of North Bay.



Being a By-Law to Regulate Sewage and Drainage and the Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Works and Sewers.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a by-law of The Corporation of the City of North Bay to effect amendments to a pension plan established by the former Township of Widdifield.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a By-Law to provide Pensions for Employees.



Being a By-Law to Authorize Road Expenditures.



Being a By-Law to authorize the construction of storm and sanitary sewers in the City of North Bay.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a By-Law with Respect to Water Works Rates under Section 41 of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, R.O.O. 1960, c. 249.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the City of North Bay to provide Pensions for Employees.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.



Description not available. Please contact the Clerk's Department for information regarding older by-laws.

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